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What Would You Like to Know?
Can I get a same-day appointment?
Yes! We offer walk-in hours on most days. We also have Saturday and evening hours.
Will my insurance cover my visit?
We accept most insurance plans.
What if I do not have health insurance?
If you do not have health insurance, we have a self-pay option. You can be seen for a $95 flat fee. There will be no extra cost to you. We will can provide you generic medications, and give you multiple refills, and we can offer you the $50 lab testing, if you are in need of lab work.
Are you sure you can help me?
Yes! We have seen and treated over a thousand different diseases. We understand why they occur, what we can do to help, and what to do to prevent it from happening again. We love a challenge! Bring us something new. We dare you.
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